Greetings all dancehall fans and Raggamuffin Selector followers! Once again we have the opportunity to give thanks for the end of a blessed year, and the start of a new one. It's been a quick year it seems, and the coming one probably promises to fly by even faster. Thank you all idren for being patient with my lack of posting... I know I've slowed down and always am (falsely!) promising to get back on track. Hopefully my posts have made up for the far and few in betweeness by the cruciality of the tunes posted. As my way of showing my appreciation for the sweet dancehall music I love, and the international community that upkeeps it, I am posting a chunky number of records this time. Many a great tunes included here... no tin pan sound! So enjoy, bless up, and stay positive for the New Year-
Icho Candy and Hopeton James - Reggae Music Christmas 7'' [198x Crat Original Pressing]
Yes, I know that this song is a little late... but better late than never! Here's a crucial likkle digi combo with Icho singing in his distinct vocal styling. Been holding onto this one for a while, waiting to post it round the holidays. Never been a fan of dancehall Xmas songs, but this one might be the exception... These two also released together a rendition of Joy To The World on Crat at the same time as this one, if you want an example of how corny reggae Xmas songs can be.