Hey All, as I'm sure most of you have noticed this blog has been neglected for a few months now. I am back in school getting my teaching credential, as well as still working at a school, and interning at another one. I'm grinding like 60-70 hours a week right now, and just don't have time to stay on top of the blog. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, as by the summer my schedule will go back to normal, and I should be able to start posting some more then. Until then, there may not be any new posts... just being honest. Please don't give up hope, I will put an effort to revive this in a few months!
It was also just brought to my attention that Fileswap seems to have deleted all my files. I will start with the time-consuming task to reup the links on the different free server... was thinking maybe Zippyshare. Does anyone have any suggestions for good file hosting sites that won't have a problem with me uploading hundreds of files on to them? Once I figure that out, I will commence. Please just be patient, this will take a few weeks I'm sure.
Update Log... The Following Files Have Been Reuped:
- All files from July 2013 - December 2014 *
(More to come!)